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12/09 • HAITI

  • September 12, 2024
Gang violence in Haiti

Gang violence, political instability, and severe humanitarian challenges are devastating the small Caribbean nation.

Over the past year, gang-related violence has surged, with more than 2,500 people killed, kidnapped, or injured. The capital, Port-au-Prince, has become a hotbed of conflict, with armed groups controlling large areas and leaving citizens trapped in their homes or forced to flee.

The violence has led to a collapse in essential services. Schools, hospitals, and even ports are under siege. In some parts of Port-au-Prince, nearly all daily life has halted due to blockades and ongoing attacks. Gangs also target women and girls with horrific sexual violence. Many families have been displaced, and hundreds of thousands are living without proper shelter or access to medical care .

This instability is compounded by widespread hunger. Haiti is experiencing one of its worst food crises in recent memory, with 1.4 million people on the brink of famine and 45% of the population unable to access clean water. Malnutrition, especially among children, is on the rise, and healthcare facilities are overwhelmed, treating an increasing number of gunshot victims while also battling the resurgence of cholera.

International organisations, including the UN, are calling for urgent action. A proposed multinational security mission, potentially led by Kenya, aims to support the Haitian National Police, which is currently outnumbered and under-resourced. The international community is being urged to provide not only security assistance but also funding for humanitarian relief efforts. The UN’s appeal for $674 million to help address the humanitarian needs in 2024 has so far been only minimally funded.

While aid efforts are ongoing, the country is at a critical tipping point. Without immediate action, the situation could become even more catastrophic, with further deterioration of basic services and widespread famine. Haiti’s crisis is not just about gang violence—it’s a complex mix of political turmoil, economic collapse, and human suffering on an immense scale.


Prayer points: 

We pray for peace in Haiti, that the violence caused by armed gangs would cease, and that those living in fear would find safety and security.

We pray for healing and provision, as many Haitians face extreme hunger, lack of clean water, and medical shortages. Lord, provide for their physical needs, and strengthen aid workers and humanitarian efforts to reach those in urgent need.

We pray for wisdom and unity among leaders, both within Haiti and internationally, as they seek long-term solutions to the political and humanitarian crises.

May we be challenged to embody the answer to those prayers. Amen.


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