Pray the News

19/04 • SUDAN

Written by Anglican Missions | Apr 19, 2024 2:00:00 AM

It's been a year since the start of the heinous war in Sudan that has resulted in the deaths of thousands and the displacement of a fifth of the country.

What began as a dispute over the integration of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces into the army has spiraled into a nationwide crisis, drawing in an increasing number of militia and rebel factions. These conflicts exacerbate an already precarious humanitarian situation, with Sudan facing the world's largest displacement crisis. Nearly nine million people have been uprooted, and two million have sought refuge in neighbouring countries.

The impact on Sudan's agricultural sector is dire, with famine looming and reports of death by starvation emerging. Atrocities committed by the both sides in the conflict.  The RSF have taken most of Darfur in a reprisal of the horrendous events of 20 years ago. For the first time since independence the capital city of Khartoum has also faced widespread shelling and street fighting and now bears the visible scars of conflict.

Despite international efforts to provide aid and mediate peace, relief efforts are hindered by the parties involved, and humanitarian funding remains insufficient. The situation in Sudan is largely forgotten as it is overshadowed by events in other parts of the world. However, amidst these challenges, grassroots aid groups persist in providing essential support, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the devastation.

Prayer points:
That the Sudanese army would agree to meet together for talks to negotiate a lasting peace.  Pray for wisdom and compassion for leaders and mediators involved in the negotiations that they would find sustainable solutions to resolve the conflict.
Most of the population has been caught up in the fighting and experienced atrocities of many kinds.  Many have faced unimaginable trauma and face the prospect of starvation as the country plunges in to famine conditions. Two million people are also refugees in neighbouring countries. Pray that they would know healing and reconciliation.
Pray for humanitarian organisations who are attempting  to bring assistance, that they would know God's protection and that they would have the resources and provision to meet immediate humanitarian needs including food, safe water and healthcare