I've worked in overseas development for over 20 years. I've never witnessed so much chaos, carnage and sadness.
The world feels increasingly dark to me. War, hunger, displacement and the political and social polarisation being played out around the world is relentless and unforgiving. This Easter time we should be starkly aware of these atrocities, including those occurring in the Holy Land, where our Lord and Saviour walked.
Many of us need encouragement right now. We need a lifeline to stop drifting into discouragement and despair.
Remember this. We have faith for things not yet seen.
Faith is a lifeline in times of despair. Faith brings into the now the things that we only hope for in the future. We need to walk by faith through these difficult times, because the alternative is simply to fall further into despair. We need to lean on each other for comfort, support and renewal.
Most importantly, we must lean into our faith in a God that came to make things right. Believers must remind themselves that Good News overcomes bad news. We must stand in solidarity and with boldness, call out the truth.
Last week, the Archbishop of Canterbury said:
“This war and its killing needs to end and it needs to end now. All hostages need to be released. Immediate and unrestricted aid must be secured to address the famine-like conditions in Gaza”.
The Easter season reminds us that hope always conquers despair; forgiveness always conquers judgement; justice always conquers vengeance; kindness always conquers cruelty and love always conquers hate.
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting our Lenten Appeal this year. Both are such very worthy projects. May the light that conquers the darkness be with us all this Easter time.